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September 11, 2001 (Writings)

In this issue, we are deviating from our standard format of featuring one writer in order to present poems, stories, and essays by one hundred writers from all over the world (The United States and Canada, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa), a collection of diverse responses and reactions to the events of September 11, 2001. In these pieces you will encounter expressions of grief, outrage, fear, hope, and cynicism. Some of the pieces present clear perspectives, while, in others, we witness an individual writer attempting to gain his or her bearings in what seems to be a chaotic world. We hope you will be moved by some or all of the pieces contained in this section. Now, perhaps more than ever, it is important for the individual to speak, and for what is spoken to be heard. We at The Pedestal Magazine thank you for listening ....

Photo courtesy of Sara K. Schwittek

Featured Writings

Fred Chappell
Francis Eck
Interview with Fred Chappell
Andrena Zawinski - Writing Lessons
C.J. Sage - Narcosis Song
Chocolate Waters - Knocking Around Hell's Kitchen
Christopher Locke - North Star
Ed Lynskey - Another Song for Clarissa
Eugene Gloria - Reading Langston Hughes
Eva Yaa Asantewaa - sacrament
Jen Cullerton Johnson - Under O'Malley's Roof
Kathleen Dale - Morning Glory
Lois Marie Harrod - Lucky Seven
Pam Bernard - Covenant
Phyllis Jean Green - Aliases Tackle Philosophy 101
Tod Goldberg - The Distance Between Us
Nate Liederbach - Back in Nelson's Bathroom



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