Knocking Around Hell's Kitchen

Go out with no make-up. No eye shadow. No eyeliner. Nothing. If you apply even one dinky dab of lipstick you will remain anonymous. Wear your worst slop-around slacks, the perky polka-dotted ones with the cranberry stain on the crotch. Be sure to dress in your ugliest t-shirt. It should say something like SCREW OFF YOU EFFIN’ DIRTBAG. Don’t forget the tatty canvas sneakers that would be rejected by the homeless, and make sure you forgot to wash your hair for at least a week-- maybe longer. This will insure you run into everyone you know, the hot number you’ve had a crush on for twenty years, the agent who’s considering taking you on, the tycoon who promised you a trip to Tahiti and the Prize Patrol from Publisher’s Clearing House. You think I’m kidding. I’m talking to Ivana Trump right now ...

Chocolate Waters has been writing and publishing poetry for over three decades. The author of three collections, she is the recipient of a New York Foundation for the Arts fellowship in Poetry and a fellowship from the Barbara Deming Memorial Fund. Her work, which has been nominated for several Pushcart prizes, has appeared widely in such publications as Hell’s Kitchen: Slices of Life, Fireweed, Samsara Quarterly, 2River View, Stirring, and The Second Word Thursdays Anthology. Waters' latest release, a limited-edition CD entitled Chocolate Waters Uncensored, spans twenty-five years of the poet's performance work from the New York nightclub S.N.A.F.U. and other Manhattan venues. It is now available from Eggplant Productions and at www.chocolatewaters.com. Chocolate Waters lives in Manhattan where she teaches poetry workshops, tutors individual clients, and is a frequent participant in the New York City poetry circuit.
Pedestal Published Works
