(1) Maniacal terrorists strike at the big apple of America’s eye. Famed majestic landmarks, the Twin Towers crumble, imploding into billions of bits of molten steel, jagged glass, seared human flesh and flailing broken bones. Escaping spiked and surging fire balls, staff vaulted through windows. A canine toothed wing of the Pentagon is broken in the aftermath of the devastation: a massive death toll of innocents remains lodged, buried alive, fifty feet under, feeling the cold- bloodied hard rubble, a steely glint of hope, five warm-blooded survivors are unearthed. Every save a divine miracle. Subways evacuate. First aid crews take to the streets and man the flaming towers. Spiraling Downward, Upward We Stand United.
(2) Flattened, the first company of New York City’s finest fire fighters, police, and first aid crews crash and burn inside of the cascading avalanche of steel daggers. The 110-story twin towers are brought to its saber knees and then to its foiled ankles. WTC mass exodus: grieving, a 47-story, sister building 7, collapses in distress into ragged ruins. Billowing, nearby brother buildings in zone remain ablaze. Plumes of smoke hover, flying concrete and soot, repugnant jet fuel, raining dust and debris, thousands of frightful fleeing bystanders are entombed. Fatalities, makeshift morgues ferry the dead carcasses to New Jersey. Tons, 1.2 billion scorched scraps are hauled to S.I. Fresh Kills Land Fill. Dogs sniff and succor. Ground zero: dug-up remains are draped with the U.S.A. flag, saluted, re-buried. Every find a divine miracle. High flying stars and stripes fly low at half staff. Scalpeled surgeons, bed-pan nurses, and swarming volunteers man the hospitals. New Yorkers, from every walk of life, take to the streets and wait for hours to donate their blood. Spiraling Downward, Upward We Stand United.
(3) Slamming, ramming into Grade A U.S. Steel, four American jumbo jets are commandeered: flight crews are maced; by razor blade box cutters, pilots are knifed, passengers use their cell phones: “I Love You” are their final words. Diabolical, suicide bombers - American men, women, and children transfigured into four human missiles: Flight 11, Boeing 767, Boston to L.A., 81 Americans, 11 crew members, CRASH and BURN, into the north tower, N.Y.C. Flight 175, United 767, Boston to L.A., 56 Americans, nine crew members, CRASH and BURN, into the south tower, N.Y.C. Flight 77, Boeing 757, Washington to L.A., 58 Americans, six crew members, CRASH and BURN, into the Pentagon, D.C. Flight 93, Boeing 757, N.J. to San Francisco, 38 Americans, seven crew members, CRASH and BURN, into an empty field, Pa. by unsung heroes:“Let’s Roll!” Federal aviation officials ground all flights: all planes nose dive at the nearest airport. Soaring sky high, safe and sound, squawking seagulls with whimpering wings remain in flight and brave the fight. Zippered up, bridges, tunnels, and highways lock gates. Fiercely, five warships, frigate ships, and aiming bull's-eye, guided missile destroyers man the N.Y. coast: Two aircraft carriers: USS George Washington and USS John F. Kennedy man the N.Y. skies. In steely determination, it is business, but not business as usual. Spiraling Downward, Upward We Stand United.
(4) It is more than a terrorist attack - It is an act of war! It is a national tragedy! The free and democratic world is attacked: White House evacuates. United Nations evacuates. Treasury evacuates. State Department evacuates. Justice Department evacuates. World Bank evacuates. All Federal office buildings evacuate. New York's primary elections are postponed. Israel evacuates all diplomatic missions. All N.Y. State government offices evacuate. Trading is suspended: The American Stock Exchange, Nasdaq and New York Stock Exchange. 110 stories, Chicago's Sears Tower evacuates. Homeless, a frozen zone, 20,000 N.Y.C. residents are displaced. Chartering a Saudi jet, 11 Bostonian bin Ladins evacuate. Slumbering, F.B.I., C.I.A., I.N.S. and N.S.A. agents rouse. It is the first war of the 21st century! No-man’s land, hermetically sealed, the President of the U.S.A. is whisked away. Heroic, Lady Liberty stands tall in the New York Harbor. Spiraling Downward, Upward We Stand United.
(5) Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani addresses New York: “Deaths are more than any of us can bear.” Senator Hillary D. Clinton addresses New York: “We will not be cowed by evil, despicable acts of terror.” President George W. Bush addresses the nation: “These acts shattered steel but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.” “We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbored them.” "Whether we bring our enemies to justice, or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done." Nefarious doings, suspect numero uno is "The Evil One," the cannibal Saudi militant Osama bin Laden and his vicious cavemen. Operation Infinite Justice:seek and destroy Al Qaeda. Operation Enduring Freedom:target cells, villainous metastasizing cancers. WW III: Worldwide Coalition Bombers vs. Terror-Bender Troglodytes. "America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining." Spiraling Downward, Upward We Stand United.
(6) Heaven sent, where 70 virgins await each Islamic martyr on a homicidal-suicidal mission, 19 corrosive terrorists pulverize into smithereens: no bad guys; no car chase; no revenge to seek; no justice to exact; no war to win and no Hollywood movie. Arise. Awake. New world order and Office of Homeland Security: cockpit dead bolts, armed pilots and martial art stewardesses, no curb side check-in and Arab profiling strip searches. An inferno, charred bodies incinerate into ashes, few funerals, many memorial tributes, urns of WTC dirt comfort. Cremated. Sobbing. Closure. Weeping widows, wailing orphans, donations flood the Red Cross. International terrorism: a worldwide menace. Terrorists:a worldwide monstrosity. Renew, arise reborn, a phoenix, names of loved ones are inscribed on the walls of the observation deck, sacred ground, a shrine, the hatched angels hover, protecting Twin Towers rebuilt. WorldWISE: democracy, liberty, freedom, prosperity, goodness, love, security and peace, “We Shall Overcome. Spiraling Downward, Upward We Stand United.
(7) A cataclysmic collision course between good and evil; angels a flight and devils a foot. "Thou Shalt Not Murder," the first set of twin tablets of the Ten Commandments crumble and are re-engraved:Operation Infinite Circle. Singed aftershocks: fear, disbelief, terror, numbness, grief, depression, revenge, nightmares and rage. Twin Tower totals: 90,000 tourists a day, a person from each and every curve of the globe may have perished; 50,000 employed; 25,000 rescued; 8,700 casualties; 35,000 in subway and two-third empty airplanes. Mournfully, 3,500 consumed. Outstretched, GOD’s hand of mercy, love, compassion and nerves of steel, vanquished the evil incarnate, “GOD WILLING.” Spiraling Downward, Upward We Stand United.