It is just before midnight and I am exhausted but do not know if I will be able to sleep at all tonight. September 11, 2001, another day that will live in infamy. Two attacks on the World Trade Center buildings in Manhattan, and another on the Pentagon. But those who committed these acts did not just kill themselves. First they terrorized the passengers on the airplanes they hijacked. Just imagine the fear those travelers must have felt during the hijacking, especially as they came in close to the World Trade Center buildings and later the Pentagon. They must have known what was about to happen. Their screams echo in my heart. The same is true of the fourth hijacked plane, that landed in Pennsylvania. All innocent people, men, women, children - passengers on their way. Instead of reaching their destinations, they were blasted into eternity. And all those people in the targeted buildings …
I am haunted and always will be by those pictures of the Trade Center buildings, twin towers rising to glorious height over Manhattan meeting a twinned fate. Smashed into by airliners, then the explosions, the fires, the destruction, and the thousands of victims. Some of the trapped people were so desperate they flung themselves from the building from over 100 stories up. And those who could not get out in time and must have been crushed when each tower fell, story after story, one after the other. Each tower filled with people as the building crumbled into a massive heap showering dust and ashes like a nuclear winter over that part of the city. New York City, city of my birth, in America my homeland, as surely as Israel is my homeland. So many people I know live and work in New York City - where are they now? I have had reports from two, both safe. My cousin Yaacov was there, he emerged from his train on his way to his office just in time to witness the collapse of the first tower, He is in shock, but was not injured.
It is difficult to fathom the Pentagon being attacked. In the heart of Washington D.C. with so many buildings built in the classical styles, with the monuments to Lincoln, Jefferson, Washington, the Wall of Names of the fallen soldiers in the Vietnam War…. I have always been moved by Washington D.C., the place where my son was conceived. It is such a beautiful tribute to civilization, democracy and the dignity of human beings. A place that glows with the traditions of democracy despite the machinations of politicians. Are friends and family members who live and work there safe?
I have tried to reach my son and daughter-in-law who might be in Manhattan, but I just cannot get through on the phone and send e-mail to them. Messages begin to arrive from friends and family and as the responses come in there are fewer to worry about. Finally word arrives from my daughter-in-law that she and my son are safe. A friend writes to report she walked from her office across the Manhattan Bridge to her home in Brooklyn Heights. Nearly everyone is accounted for now, except for a few people, and I hope I will hear that they are fine too.
There is constant coverage on BBC, CNN, Sky News, and the local Hebrew channels. I follow all the reports, listen to all the commentary. There are the newscasters condemning these terrorist attacks without question and without qualifying the motives of the perpetrators. These are the very same people who day in and day out have built credibility out of thin air for the Palestinian suicide bombers and other terrorists who strike innocent Israelis every day. If the strikes are less spectacular here, consider that Israeli dead and injured are just as innocent.
As I am writing this I can hear a gun battle raging not far from my home in Jerusalem. Where is it coming from this time? Is it the Gilo neighborhood? Or is Rachel's Tomb being attacked yet again by those who hope to destroy it as they destroyed Joseph's Tomb and turned it into a mosque? Just a few hours ago I was a witness to Palestinians celebrating the attacks on America from my window. On the street below came a parade of cheering Palestinians, applauding and joyously shouting. In other parts of Jerusalem they are showering each other with candy sweets to celebrate as they dance their macabre dance through the streets. It is like this throughout Judea and Samaria and Lebanon. In Egypt students, taxi drivers and shopkeepers are reported to be crowded around television sets in store windows in downtown Cairo, and they too are celebrating the attacks on New York and Washington, D. C. But this is not new, with the same hideous glee there were celebrations when a suicide bomber killed innocent people and even babies at the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem last month. And remember, the Palestinians dancing on the rooftops when Iraqi Scud missiles hit Tel Aviv.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad deny responsibility but lay the blame on U.S. policies. Once again the victims by their reasoning are to blame. Cowardly indeed are Islamic suicidal terrorists. They are not brave in the face of death, they are focused on the believed rewards of becoming shaheeds, martyrs who will be greeted by 70 virgins and other pleasures as they enter their dream of paradise. They are cowards who fear both life and death.
For several years now I have tried to warn people that the terrorist war the Arabs are waging against Israel is just the first stage in their battle against the whole civilized world. It is not only the extremists who must be blamed, the religious fanatics amongst them. If you doubt this just remember what happened at Durban - it was the entire Arab world that was involved in the political terrorism waged at the U. N. Conference on Racism. The lies, hatred, racism, and incitement are part and parcel of their ongoing war against Israel. In mosques around the world on Fridays the call is not only for the destruction of Israel, but for all of Western democracy and civilization.
CNN, BBC, and Sky News interviewed many dignitaries who proclaimed that all who harbor terrorists and support their activities must be held responsible. President Bush said, "we will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbored them." George Schultz went so far as to say that there must be pre-emptive strikes against terrorism. I hope the whole world heard and will remember the next time the Europeans and the American State Department condemn the targeted strikes against Palestinian terrorists who kill innocent Israelis. I hope they remember when acts of Israeli self-defense are condemned and Israel is expected to never act and only show restraint.
Some say that the Jewish people is like a canary in a mine. What happens to us is a warning of what is to come to others. We have been innocent victims of terrorism just as Americans were today. And there must be no distinctions made. BBC produced a series of programs being broadcast worldwide this week, that through lies and misrepresentations deligitimize Israel and the right of a Jewish state to exist, and offer excuses for Palestinian terrorism. Today the BBC was outraged by terrorism when it was directed against America. What has been correctly labeled terrorism in London, and today in New York and Washington, D.C. must not be given legitimacy by denying it is terrorism when Palestinians target Israel.
As I write this the smoke and ashes have not yet cleared. The search continues for those who may be buried in the debris. Israel has offered her elite rescue squads to help and has declared Wednesday, September 12, a day of mourning.
The world must no longer turn a blind eye and must not only grieve but support the strongest possible action against those who are responsible for this terrorism. Only then can civilization defeat barbarism. Only then. For now I mourn with all the good people of the world the thousands who have died and have been injured. For now I grieve that such barbarism not only exists but is applauded publicly and privately by tens of thousands in Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Afghanistan, by Palestinians in the P.A. controlled areas, and others.
The world will never be the same after the attacks on America today. Through my sorrow I tearfully repeat the refrain, "America, America, God shed his grace on thee.