Panther & Bathing Suit

A bud unfurls through the lace of a size 36B bra on the last day of March. (Johnny drops it back in August;
an impulsive snare that flies out of his pocket.) Mr. Cambridge pulls in the driveway as Johnny slips satin panties
from the clothespin’s grip, then gripped himself by black lace and blue sky:
he snatches. He runs. He runs like the wind—-feet gliding over grass—- the bra’s strap, a kite tail.
Pressed against his heart: cotton, satin, spandex, silk, lace. Clotheslines in the subdivision whistle through their gaps.
Why the panther reminds me of the black bathing suit is what I want to tell you.
I spend all summer counting-—calories, pounds, inches—- and searching—-racks, sales, dressing rooms—-for sleekness.
All that time, and it’s in my own backyard.

Suzanne Frischkorn's first full-length book, New Jersey Made Me Reckless, is scheduled for release in 2002 . She is the author of two chapbooks, Exhale (Scandinavian Obliterati Press, 2000) and The Tactile Sense (Alpha Beat Press, 1996). In addition, her poetry has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, including Mangrove, The Wisconsin Review, JAMA, Paterson Literary Review, Pif Magazine, and Exquisite Corpse. She was a finalist for the 2001 Allen Ginsberg Poetry Award and is associate editor of Samsara Quarterly.
Pedestal Published Works
