Another Song for Clarissa

Come, Clarissa, come down, sister to the funky dragonfly, your yoni pot brewing a vex, a hoodoo in hot, hot Selma. Snakebitten hips, pepper lips; the Real Thing on Soul Train. I kiss you sweeping the dusty yard, dangling out poppy red shirts to flap in the gaudy sun, bid the weathervane's squeak: he's-tha-one-yesh-he's-tha-one. A mockingbird atop the mimosa trills: "Don't ever forget why you turn his heart valentine red." Inhale the corn tassel's pollen urging plain speak between us. Call me the grandson of a gandy dancer, steel rhythms surging to my fingers greasy on a gold horn by the gate of a chicken packing plant to woo-woo you. Catch me, Clarissa, fetch my song from a Zulu blue Pontiac blown glorious as Mr. Coltrane: I luv ya-I luv ya-I luv ya-I dooo.

Ed Lynskey is the author of one volume of poems titled The Tree Surgeon's Gift (Scripta, 1990). In addition, his short fiction and poems have appeared or are forthcoming in such publications as Poetry Northwest, The Atlantic Monthly, Fables, Zuzu's Petals Quarterly, Artemis Magazine, 3 AM, Vacancy, Demensions Zine, Planet Magazine, Quantum Muse, and New Letters.
Pedestal Published Works
