Aliases Tackle Philosophy 101

It was 1951 and we were losers refusing to crack in a women's dorm. Going ape by candle light for "Why are we here -- or are we?" Thanks to whatever wine we could afford if the housemother looked away long enough to sneak it in. Beryl's mother wrote that Beryl was too fat. Luckily, she padded it in a suitbox full of butterscotch brownies with chocolate chips. Flo had a 200 IQ and cigs. Nola my roomie just had sex after hours by climbing out our window over at that empty building everyone talked about. So she cut out at 2. Brinnda was a Preacher's Kid, so we called her PK while she batted her impossible lashes smoked like a church afire and informed us that Prof Yum-Butt was going to hell. Descartes, Locke and "Is-that-table-really-there?" held us until dawn. "When was the clock wound?" In the odd case they palled, Beryl curled her jointless fingers back and practiced making eyes at Marcya with a y. Marcya of the famous waist was too wide for the room. Without the beds, desk and tosses socks! It was a disgrace we were not learning what we had come to college for, a pinched dean with a rat in her hair snided after calling me in for French-kissing a pre-theology student who had drawn me with yellow hair, a blind eye and an out-of-tune piano (Too bad he had that mother thing). So much smoke in Beryl's room, a bone saw couldn't cut it. Wine so cheap, it could stand. And the only thing I would change would be to grab more brownies and decide the table wasn't there.

Phyllis Jean Green's stories, poems, and essays have appeared in various publications, including Wordwrights!, Sensations, Three Candles, The Book Lovers' Haven, Wildcat, Seeker, Digi-Zine, Floating Holiday, Bern Porter International, T- Zero, LoveWords, The Moonwort Review, Survivor Wit, and The Blue Fifth Review. She is the author of Spinning Straw (Diverse City Press, 1999), editor of Peter Tomassi's poetry collection, Mixing Cement (Thunder-Rain, 2000), and an associate editor of L'Intrigue, the Wild Magnolia of Literature. Her prize-winning long poems about Coney Island have been performed by other poets in twenty-three states. The Sensations issue in which they first appeared won a first-of-category award from the American Literary Review. She is a member of the NC Writer's Network, the American Poetry Society, the NC Poetry Society, and the American Association of Women Writers.
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