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The Surreality of the World Rushing by in Reverse
When I was a kid in the very back of a red station wagon, unbuckled, facing backwards, a blue car with two cows in the backseat drew alongside of me.
She wants to see the bucket of sludge from the upstairs sink. Dazzling, she says. She offers him coffee from a machine, explains each sound: the grinding of the beans, the tamping of the grounds, the pre-brewing, brewing, bubbling of steam to make foam. He still holds the wire snake, unsure of its place, of lines to be crossed. She says there's a lilt about him, and the only thing that comes to mind is a song from a black and white movie, Good Time Coming. She says her husband hates the machine, its noise and bulkiness; she has the coffee waiting for him after he showers. The plumber takes his own taste, understands now the origin of the black sludge in the bathroom sink. He wonders if it is love that makes him pour each cup into the drain. Or something altogether else.
Randall Brown teaches at and directs Rosemont College's MFA in Creative Writing Program. He has been published widely, both online and in print, and blogs regularly at FlashFiction.Net. His is also the founder and managing editor of Matter Press and its Journal of Compressed Creative Arts. |