Jeanne Marie Beaumont - Impr ...
John Bradley - The Art of Sl ...
William Lusk Coppage - The C ...
Kyle Gray - Through the Fenc ...
Kathleen Hellen - On the Wes ...
Tyler King - Sustain
Lynne Knight - Dog Is Your C ...
Bonnie Wai-Lee Kwong - The R ...
George Looney - The Eternal ...
Sarah Maclay - 49
Marilyn Ringer - The Off-Han ...
George Wallace - bridget

Introduction: The Quest
As an editor, I usually arrange poems in a magazine or journal by subject matter, so one poem leads, I hope, directly into the subject matter of the one that follows it. You will note, however, that in this issue of Pedestal, the poets are listed in alphabetical order. Why? Well, I’ll try to explain. Often as I begin to accept poems, I find I’m attuned to some unspoken, half-hidden theme: I’m accepting poems that are—for instance—surreal in perspective, ones that are about nature, or ones about conflict as part of the reality of our lives. But for this issue, I kept selecting poems that I fell in love with, poems that seemed to be totally unrelated. That’s why this listing is alphabetical. —Susan Terris |