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Editors Intro
Tenth Issue
June 21-August 21, 2002

Millions of people living in millions of microcosms! Microcosms overlapping ... where? Where is the gateway from the micro to the macro? Where do we find a bridge between the two? And how will we embrace the paradox of individuality and community, especially when it has been beaten into our minds by Hollywood that the two are contradictory and mutually exclusive?

Featured Writer
Gary Soto

Gary Soto is the author of numerous books of poetry and prose, including The Elements of San Joaquin, Where Sparrows Work Hard, Living Up the Street, California Childhood, Who Will Know Us, Home Course in Religion, Jesse, New and Selected Poems, Buried Onions, Novio Boy, and Junior College. He is a frequent contributor to such literary publications as Poetry, Harper's, Ploughshares, and The Iowa Review. He has been the recipient of numerous prizes and grants, including the Bess Hokin and Levinson Prizes (from Poetry), The Andrew Carnegie Medal, The Nation Discovery Prize, and an American Book Award, as well as fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, The National Endowment for the Arts, and The California Arts Council. New and Selected Poems was a finalist for The National Book Award. He serves as the Young People's Ambassador for California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA) and the United Farm Workers of America. He lives in Berkeley and Fresno, California.

Photo courtesy of garysoto.com

Featured Artist
The Bogside Artists

William Kelly, Tom Kelly, and Kevin Hasson, known collectively as The Bogside Artists, live in Derry City, Northern Ireland, where, on January 30, 1972, fourteen people were shot dead by the British army. Much of their art--paintings, photographs, and murals--addresses the history of violence and injustice in Northern Ireland. They are "dedicated to using painting as a means to objectify the past so that its unconscious hold is unravelled." They have been involved in the organization and creation of numerous commemorative projects and, individually, have shown their art in galleries throughout Ireland.

Photo courtesy of
The Bogside Artists

Gary Soto
The Bogside Artists
Interview with Gary Soto
Amanda Leigh Lichtenstein - Loving Ghazal
C.E. Chaffin - Mall Demolition
Donald Levering - Boy -- Reprise
J. P. Dancing Bear - Fertile Crescent
Karen A. Romanko - Equations in Time
Kathryn T.S. Bass - The Headaches (After Ashbury)
Khadijah Queen - Ghazal for My Ancestors
Liam McKee - Suite Paraclete
Rhonda J. Nelson - Criminal
Sandra Kohler - The New Regime
Simon Perchik - *
Sonia Pereira - The Bath
Toni La Ree Bennett - You'll Kick a Flattened Can
Walter Bargen - Conversation
William Ford - The Great Yellowstone Fire, 1988
Tod Goldberg - Desert Life
Rochelle Mass - At the Edge
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