Mall Demolition

The walkway from the parking structure now ends in midair where the food court was. A Shovelsaurus scoops debris into the Dumpasaurus; the Poundasaurus jackhammers cement to fragments, long, heron-like neck craning downward, its head a giant dental drill. The Snatchasaurus clamps a beam, a Gulliverian toothpick ferried to a mound rising higher than the mall that was-- and all these machines are painted a happy industrial yellow.
I’d like to drive one of these monsters, hug a tree like Wordsworth did. My life’s too mental, I want to plow through cinderblocks by the sweat of my brow and leave this bucket of words behind, tell myself I exist as surely as these twisted ribs of anodized aluminum, that I’m as real as all the rubble constantly being hosed down to quiet the dust from which we came.
Yet here are marigolds in a surviving planter, yellow stars with a bloodstained core. Break off a flower, smell the peppery sap and cross yourself: it does no good. There is no spell against progress.

C.E. Chaffin is the author of Elementary (poems), released in 1997 by Mellen Press. His poetry, columns, fiction, and critical essays have been widely published on the web and in print, in publications ranging from The Alaska Quarterly Review to Zuzu's Petals. In addition, he edits the online literary journal, The Melic Review (http://www.themelicreview.com), and tutors poetry online. He lives and works in Long Beach, California.
Pedestal Published Works

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