The Pedestal Magazine E-Newsletter
Reach: Mailed on the 21st of each month directly to 10,000+ opt-in readers
A. $75: 50 words with hotlink(s) within content area of newsletter B. $85: 50 words with image and hotlink(s) within content area of newsletter C. $100: 75 words with image and hotlink(s) vertically along left side of newsletter
Specials and Discounts:
A. $20 off first ad, OR B. 10% off on 3 month contract C. 20% off on 6 month contract
The Pedestal Magazine Classified Ads
Reach: On special Classified Ads page, divided by categories; average of 11,000+ users per month; 24/7
A. $50 per month: 50 words with image and hotlink(s) B. $65 per month: 75 words with image and hotlink(s)
Specials and Discounts:
A. $15 off first ad, OR B. 10% off on 3 month contract C. 20% off on 6 month contract
The Pedestal Magazine Banner Ads
Reach: Ad appears on all pages of the website; average of 68,000 page views per month; average of 11,000+ users per month; 24/7
A. $150 per month: Horizontal Banner Ad (425 x 54 pixels); placement is under center content boxes B. $200 per month: Vertical Banner Ad (150 x 600 pixels); placement is on left side under site menu buttons C. $250 per month: Horizontal Banner Ad (425 x 54 pixels); placement is at top of page above center content boxes
Specials and Discounts:
A. $25 off first ad, OR B. 15% off on 3 month contract C. 25% off on 6 month contract
All ad copy and payments are due on the 15th of each month. Payments can be made by check or credit card.
To place an ad or for more information contact Cindy Ballaro at marketingmatters@carolina.rr.com.