John Amen
Editor in chief
John Amen's debut poetry collection, Christening the Dancer, was released by Uccelli Press in 2003 and nominated for various awards, including the Kate Tufts Award, the Oscar Arnold Young Award, the Lenore Marshall Award, and the Brockman-Campbell Prize. A second book, More of Me Disappears, will be released by Cross-Cultural Communications in September 2005. He has published poetry and fiction in numerous magazines and journals and was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize. A new musical recording, All I'll Never Need, was released by Cool Midget Records in 2004. Visit the Cool Midget website at for more information and to hear sample tracks. He is also an artist, working primarily with acrylics on canvas. Amen travels widely giving readings, doing musical performances, and conducting workshops. Further information is available on his personal website:
Nathan Leslie
Fiction Editor
Nathan Leslie has published two collections of short fiction, most recently A Cold Glass of Milk (Uccelli Press, 2003). Nathan is currently seeking a publisher for his collection of poetry and a new short story collection. Aside from being nominated for the 2002 Pushcart Prize, his fiction, essays, and poetry have been published or will appear in over one hundred magazines, including Chattahoochee Review, Sou'Wester, Southern Indiana Review, Fiction International, Baltimore Review, Chiron Review, Gulf Stream, Tulane Review, Santa Clara Review, StorySouth, Amherst Review, Wascana Review, X-Connect, Adirondack Review, The Crab Creek Review, and Orchid . Nathan completed his MFA at the University of Maryland in 2000.
Brenda Miller
Assistant Editor
Cindy Ballaro
Marketing and Promotions
Cindy Ballaro, president of Marketing Matters, has worked in the Charlotte arts market for 20 years with many of the region’s leading cultural institutions and artists. She founded Marketing Matters in 1999 with the mission of providing marketing expertise to arts and human services organizations. She has worked with The Pedestal Magazine since its inception, providing various marketing services. Her passion for promoting the arts has been demonstrated in thorough planning and implementation of marketing campaigns that have resulted in new initiatives, creative promotions, and increased sales. Her client list has included the Charlotte Symphony, North Carolina Dance Theatre, The Pedestal Magazine, John Amen, and the Mecklenburg County Health Department to name a few.
Jett Steiger
Associate Editor
Carly Svamvour
Forum Hostess
Carly Svamvour has served as The Pedestal Magazine’s forum hostess for over three years. She is the co-publisher/editor of Wild City Times, an online magazine themed toward the outdoors of a city. Her poetry, short articles, and crossword puzzles appear in various print and online publications in both Canada and the United States. For more information, visit: