What a wheeze! To be pulled, headfirst, Inside out, twisted And knotted like a human balloon.
My guts spill out onto the road For dogs to lap and crows to pick.
But I rise Beyond the appalled onlookers, The taxi drivers and bin men.
I rise Above the media hubbub of firemen Strikes, wars and failed Marriages.
I can see the dark crucifixes Of sparrows, crows and hawks Beneath me.
The road is like a river, Cars are like toads, people hoverflies. Everything is always something Else.
At this height even the air Seems arbitrary.
So what if I left you. So what if you screamed the house down. So what if the neighbors heard. So what if I no longer love you. Or you me.
What difference does it make If this road is a river Or a road, Or the green-blue veins standing out On the back of my hands, On the back of my raw and swollen Bloody hands?
Andrew Boobier's work has appeared or is forthcoming in various publications, including The New Yorick, Orbis, versus, The Rue Bella, The Schuylkill Valley Journal, Smorgasbord, Poems Niederngasse, Eclectica, and Snakeskin. He is the editor of the Alsop Review's online quarterly magazine, Octavo (http://www.alsopreview.com/octavo).