The Pedestal Magazine -Star (from The Pupil)
All the way north on the train the sun followed me followed me without moving still the sun of that other morning when we had gone over Come on over men at the screen door said to my father You have to see this it's an ape bring the little boy bring the boy along
so he brought me along to the field of dry grass hissing behind the houses in the heat that morning and there was nothing else back there but the empty day above the grass waving as far away as I could see and the sight burned my eyes white birds were flying off beyond us
and a raised floor of boards like a house with no house on it part way out there was shining by itself a color of shadow and the voices of the men were smaller in the field as we walked on something was standing out there on the floor the men kept saying Come on over
it's on a chain and my father said to me Don't get too close and I saw it was staring down at each of our faces one after the other as though it might catch sight of something in one of them that it remembered I stood watching its eyes as they turned away from each of us
in the burning day See it has its bucket of water one of the men said and that's higher than the dogs can get but you wouldn't want to go up near it I have to be careful bringing its food keep out of reach sometimes it will swing that chain and take to shrieking so it would
scare you unless you knew what it was no way of telling how old it would be but they don't live too long anyway the heat was shimmering over the grass as we left and it stood up straight watching us until we were too far for it to see and were gone already on our journey
Pedestal Magazine Copyright 2003
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