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Charlotte Foust

Charlotte Foust has exhibited her art extensively throughout the United States, including galleries in California, Georgia, Virginia, Florida, and New York. In addition, her work is in private collections throughout the world. In 1994, she was awarded the Emerging Artist Grant from the North Carolina Arts Council. She owns and operates Foust Studio, located at 5200 Park Road (Suite 115) in Charlotte, North Carolina.


Photo courtesy of Christie Amen

Featured Art

September 11, 2001 (Writings)
September 11, 2001 (Photography & Artwork)
Interview with Stanley Kunitz
Bruce Boston - Shells: The Next Generation
Carly Svamvour - Foxes
Charles Fishman - Learning to Dance, 1956
Frank Van Zant - The Slingshot and the Sweetgum Tree
Jacqueline Seewald - On The Nature of Things
Joan Payne Kincaid - Natives Used to Call Them Ghosts
John Grey - The Sides in This Relationship
Karen White - Evening at Evangelo's
Martina Newberry - Spreading Sand in Abdullah's Garden
Meredith Stricker - Reading the Blank Spaces
Michele F. Cooper - Entrail #10
Suzanne Frischkorn - Limited Range of Motion
Tony Barnstone - Flight of the Gimps
Gilbert Allen - Friends With Porsches
Kermit Siegle - Coffee



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