"Reject what confuses you, Outlaw what seduces you, What did not spring from a pure will, Into the flames with what threatens you."
--firesong for Nazi book burnings
Most of us who most of the time wouldn't be shocked would be if you showed us the pictures in this book, would be horrified and prefer not to look and be adamant our children not look but also be tolerant--cornerstone for us--and admit that the artist can express herself however she wants, First Amendment, free speech.... But, when reminded we are paying the artist, even meagerly, indirectly (taxes: NEA) then we think otherwise: "I am commissioning you, am, in fact, your collaborator, so don't say (paint, photograph) that, I wouldn't." --Sorry, I beg to differ, au contraire! Don't give money to support the arts, taxes or otherwise. And (easy for some to say) don't take any money. Make them pay after you give them the art not before.