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Laurie Kuntz
The Anniversary  

This is just to say
I have thought about it.

The rituals of paper and bronze pass
and metal and silk dwindle in the lap of years.

The only gift is in the elements:

A pinwheel of hydrangea in October.
Periwinkle shells scattered on stones.

Seahorse fossils in high mountain grass.
The attempt at words,

a presence of paradox--

And the knowledge,
that nothing is enough.
Writer Bio

Laurie Kuntz is the author of one collection of poetry, Somewhere in the Telling (Edwin Mellen Press, 1999); two chapbooks, Simple Gestures (Texas Review Press, 2000) and Women at the Onsen (Blue Light, 2001); and two English-as-a-Second-Language books, The New Arrival, Books 1&2 (Prentice Hall, 1982, 1992). Her poetry has appeared in numerous publications, including The Bloomsbury Review, The MacGuffin, The Lousiville Review, The Southern Review, The New Virginia Review, Crosscurrents, and The Sun. She won first prize in the America's Review Political Poetry Contest; was a finalist in The Nation/Discovery Contest in both 1992 and 1997; and has won honorable mention in The Wildwood Poetry Contest, Negative Capability Poetry Contest, and the Chester H. Jones National Poetry Contest. She is currently a lecturer in English at the University of Maryland's Asian Campus in Misawa, Japan.

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