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James Longenbach
Sleepless Night  

Walls, trees higher than the house, then light--
What's holding it above me?  What dream

Of sleep, what clear
Sky floated out of reach, beyond the walls,

What cry, what rustling in the leaves?

Eyes, green eyes, one night I slept
Forever: leaves
Unfurling, catkins falling

Without premonition.  Shipyards.
Dolphins leaping from wavetop to wavetop--

How do we survive, forever joined, forever
Apart, dawn-soaked, sidereal?

Tiny room, a tree house, wet
Leaves swirling at the screen and afterwards

A face I couldn't recognize.

Then light.  The wood we burn releasing
Light, our bodies made of light

Still bending as we sleep--
Clear sky, a brush of wings.

The light protecting us from itself.
Writer Bio

James Longenbach is the author of Threshold (University of Chicago Press), a volume of poems, as well as several volumes of literary criticism, most recently Modern Poetry after Modernism and Wallace Stevens: The Plain Sense of Things (both published by Oxford University Press). His poems have appeared in numerous publications, including The Nation, The New Republic, The Paris Review, Slate, The Best American Poetry, and The New American Poets. The recipient of the Nation/Discovery Award, as well as fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities, he is Joseph H. Gilmore Professor of English at the University of Rochester.

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