The Lonelier Moon

Armstrong has seen it from its sister. He wants to be with her: plant his red stripes, blue sky, into her.
It is not enough to land on one moon knowing the other is untouched.
Isn't that what the myths say too:
the twin goddess persuaded by a trickster, drifted out beyond her sister's reach,
fooled into solitude.
Armstrong knows what it is to reach out for a god
and come back a man.

J. P. Dancing Bear is editor-in-chief of Disquieting Muses, the host of "Out of Our Minds," a weekly poetry program on public radio station KKUP, and the owner of Dream Horse Press. His poems have been published in hundreds of journals, including New York Quarterly, Clackamas Literary Review, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, and Mid-America Poetry Review.
Pedestal Published Works
