Four days have slipped completely off a wheel of the memory training on my mental apparatus like the missing teeth of otherwise perfectly wrought golden wheeled circuitry immersed the blood streams of bones hewn from time canyons started drying process Dream fluid an ancient postage stamps licking
Upon The Physical Body
In the dream my double life is telling me the process is a different concept than I am sure Therefore apprehensive Half of it's mythology the guided imagination and this outer control determining internally which point of view my mental apparatus shall have upon the physical The rest going forward
Kill These Cockroaches
We are in this theater of dreams and suddenly all the lights dim and gradually they're dark I shine the flashlight like old projectionist who was born dead ages ago Clean my paintings stop the help stealing put the lights back on fire the eavesdroppers restore the conditions to my life works again
You Can Not Understand
Category and character What classifies things into certain groupings and what are detailing ideas about main areas that make them fit the category you can prove is part of the general guts of the particular theme which is eluding detection in a writing or way that people act to avoid understanding
Frank Anthony's poetry and prose have been published extensively in anthologies and literary journals. In addition, he regularly gives public performances. The Amsterdam Papers, The Brussels Book, and The Conch Chronicle are examples of his "new form" poetry, the "BRIK."