The fog has risen as a brilliant gray scab over wet fields this morning, geese cry in stuttering, murdered patterns.
I am motherless, a rocking child at night who has mumbled secretly for years, died inside attempting to become a man, blood from thin corners of my eyes runs freely.
The fog resembles doors I cannot see through, I do not turn my back to it. Smoke from my cigarette matches my breath, slow, hesitant, stretched into disappearance.
As a child, I had night terrors for years; a million long hands crawling from a million dresser drawers,
following me down the stairs to my parents' room as hobbled legions, the place where they truly lived, their nails dirty, eyes insane, palms full of screaming mouths.
Michael Paul Ladanyi is the author of two chapbooks: Palm Shadows, released in June 2002 by Purple Rose Publications, and Spelling Crows of Winter, released by Pudding House Publications in September 2003. His poetry, interviews, reviews and featured work have appeared over two hundred times in various publications in the US, Greece, India, Canada, Australia and the UK. He recently completed work on his third chapbook, Chicken Bones, and his full-length poetry collection, Humming Riddles in Naked Seasons. Michael is the founder and editor of both Adagio Verse Quarterly and The Bohemian Rag, and a poetry reviewer with Write-away-poetry. His personal site can by accessed at: http://www.geocities.com/michael_paul_ladanyi/index.html.