Robert Mezey is the author of numerous books of poetry, including The Lovemaker, White Blossoms, A Book of Dying, The Mercy of Sorrow, The Door Standing Open: New & Selected Poems, Small Song, Evening Wind, Natural Selection, and Collected Poems 1952-1999. In addition, he has edited and co-edited several books and anthologies, including Poems of the American West, Poems from the Hebrew, and The Collected Poems of Henri Coulette. His poems, prose, and traslations have appeared in such journals as New Republic, The Kenyon Review, Grand Street, The New Yorker, Threepenny Review, Paris Review, The Quarterly Review, and The Iowa Review. He has been the recipient of numerous awards and prizes, including The Robert Frost Prize, the Lamont Selection (for The Lovemaker), a PEN Prize (for Evening Wind), The Poets' Prize (for Collected Poems), as well as fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. He is professor emeritus at Pomona College, where he taught and served as poet-in-residence from 1976 until 2002.
(Photo provided by Olivia Ellis)