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Excerpts from First Anniversary Issue Press Release (Dec. 2001)

Charlotte, NC -
ThePedestalMagazine.com, based in Charlotte, celebrates its first year anniversary on December 21, 2001. Fred Chappell, North Carolina's Poet Laureate and writing professor at UNC-Greensboro, is the featured writer in this milestone issue that will be online through February 21, 2002. "In our first year we have featured several prominent writers including Sharon Olds, Michael McClure and in this issue Fred Chappell," stated Founder and Editor John Amen. "We've set the tone for the magazine and are looking forward to embracing new challenges."

The Pedestal Magazine is the vision of published writer and entrepreneur John Amen. Mr. Amen's mission for the magazine is to publish a premier literary magazine, exclusively on-line, featuring new and established writers and visual artists. Each bimonthly issue includes an in-depth interview with a featured writer and visual artist along with examples of their work, as well as poetry, fiction and non-fiction from writers around the world. The magazine serves as a publishing outlet for writers as well as providing quality literature and art for its readers at no charge. You can access the website at http://www.thepedestalmagazine.com.

ThePedestalMagazine.com's accomplishments include establishing itself as a premier online literary magazine as evidenced in the critically acclaimed writers it has featured and published in the first year - Stan Rice, Susan Ludvigson, Sharon Olds, Michael McClure, Willis Barnstone and Fred Chappell. "Having this level of writers join us in our first year is really a coup for the magazine," states Mr. Amen. These writers have each published numerous books of their own work as well as being published in such esteemed literary magazines as The New Yorker, The Paris Review, The Atlantic Monthly, Ploughshares and Poetry.

Since inception, the magazine has received over 4,000 submissions of poetry, fiction and non-fiction, and has published over 100 works by both established and burgeoning writers. A special issue, published in October, included a worldwide collection of 100 writings and 74 images all related to the 9/11 tragedy. All past writings can be found in the site's Archive section.

In addition to writings, each issue also features a visual artist. Francis Eck, who has exhibited his work in galleries throughout the world, will be the featured artist in the December 21 anniversary issue. Past artists include David Harouni, Ginger Wagoner and James Michalopoulos. Original artwork from these artists and others is available for purchase in The Pedestal Magazine.com's Art Gallery.

Excerpts from an article that appeared in The CLMP Newswire
A Biweekly Email News Dispatch on Independent Literary Publishing
A Project of the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses (http://www.clmp.org)
January 15 , 2002


North Carolina-based The Pedestal Magazine (http://www.thepedestalmagazine.com) celebrated its first anniversary with the poetry of Fred Chappell, North Carolina's Poet Laureate and writing professor at UNC-Greensboro. "This is just part of an ongoing effort to feature prominent writers," says the magazine's Marketing Director, Cindy Ballaro. In the last year the online literary journal has published, among others, the work of Sharon Olds, Stan Rice, Michael McClure, and Susan Ludvigson.

The magazine's greatest challenge so far, according to founder John Amen, has been to establish itself as a credible publishing outlet and "bridge the gap" between the online and print publishing worlds. Though he believes that the caliber of writers to dress the site thus far has helped him further this goal, he continues to work on new ways to increase the presence of the magazine and legitimize it in the eyes of the literary world.

The magazine is doing a lot of unusual work to raise revenue. For instance, ThePedestalMagazine.com features an art gallery, launched last July, where selected artists can display and sell their work. In addition to the sale of art, the online publication has recently taken part in Amazon.com's affiliation program. The way it works is this: the online magazine will set up a page for each of its writers displaying their work and then link them to Amazon for readers interested in purchasing books. As a part of the Amazon.com program, a portion of the profits from each sale will go to The Pedestal Magazine.

At the same time that Amen searched for ways to increase revenue, he also wanted to provide a service to his readers by creating an interactive discussion group area. What emerged was the Forum, a popular destination for readers that allows them to dialogue back and forth about their own work as well as discuss the poetry published in the online magazine.

According to Ballaro, The Pedestal Magazine hopes to increase the interactive aspect of the site in the coming year. "We're still in the preliminary stages," says Ballaro, "but we're hoping to engage our audience in a more interactive way in the coming year."

The Pedestal Magazine Deserves High Regard
By Rickey R. Mallory

(Excerpts from a review that was posted on www.suite101.com August 31, 2001)

The Pedestal Magazine is a professional rate ezine, one of the very few I've seen on the Internet. They have a polished, quality look, and the site is easy to navigate.

....this is a professional magazine that pays professional rates and publishes exciting, fresh fiction and what appears to be excellent poetry. The writing quality of the contributors is excellent. The non-fiction is thoughtful and thought-provoking, and the features are well-handled.

I am enthralled with The Pedestal Magazine. The Editor-in-Chief, John Amen, is obviously committed to quality and professionalism (there's that word again), and it shows.

Considering that a definition of pedestal is a position of high regard, I'd have to say that's where I rank this webzine.

The full review can be read at:



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