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Robert Mezey has been a consistent voice in contemporary American lyric poetry. His "Collected Poems" bear this out; he develops seamlessly, apparently effortlessly. His lovely "Evening Wind" (also reprinted on the book jacket), and "Slow Sonnet" show the master poet. The poems unfold before us. Mezey has a consummate sense of imagery, timing, meaning; contained by the pace and form of a poem. A lovely book!
In this provocative and insightful anthology, many voices join in celebrating the remarkably vast and varied American West. The verse collected here ranges from Indian tribal lyrics to nineteenth-century folksongs like "The Streets of Laredo," from country-western lyrics to the poems of such non-American observers as Apollinaire and Borges. Here is the rich diversity of the West--the harsh life of farms and ranches; man's destructive invasion into forest and desert solitudes; the bookstores, bars, and bistros of San Francisco and Hollywood; the Pacific coastline, the endless highways, the ghost towns, the poverty, and the now legendary world of cowpunchers and gunslingers.