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Paperback – 288 pages (May 1999), Pocket Books/Simon & Schuster Doesn't the title say it all? After a series of setbacks, an unnamed slacker pretends to be gay to get a job, which launches him on a darkly hilarious odyssey through New York City grit.
Paperback – 203 pages (April 2000), Akashic Books This novel is paranoid delusion and fantastic comedy in the service of social realism that tells the tale of an orphan whose only known background is that of the city itself, a scaffold-covered grid sewn together with "Do Not Cross" tape.
Hardcover - 256 pages (October 2000), Pocket Books/Simon & Schuster This novel is about a twenty-nine year-old aspiring writer/temp worker living in Manhattan's East Village, who finds her live-in boyfriend dead of natural causes. Suddenly Mary's life takes off on a tantalizing adventure as she follows a trail of her dead boyfriends’ ex-lovers.