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Blood, Tin, Straw
Paperback – 112 pages (November 1999), Knopf Olds embraces her favorite subject--the body--in many different guises: as an object of love, desire, reproduction, and decay.
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The Dead and the Living
Paperback (April 1985), Randomhouse The 1983 Lamont poetry selection of the Academy of American Poets.
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The Gold Cell
Paperback – 91 pages 1st Edition (March 1987), Knopf A new collection by the much praised poet whose second book THE DEAD AND THE LIVING, was both the Lamont Poetry Selection for 1983 and winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award.
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The Father
Paperback/Hardcover (May 1992), Randomhouse These startling poems work and rework the poet's experience of her father dying from cancer.
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Satan Says
Paperback/Harcover – 72 pages (April 1985), University of Pittsburgh Press This story is told with astonishing vigor, presenting a world which, if not always hostile, is never clear about which face , it will show.
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