John Amen
John Amen is the author of five collections of poetry: Christening the Dancer, More of Me Disappears, At the Threshold of Alchemy, The New Arcana (with Daniel Y. Harris), and, most recently, strange theater (New York Quarterly Books). His work has appeared in journals nationally and internationally and been translated into Spanish, French, Hungarian, Korean, and Hebrew. In addition, he has released two folk rock CDs: All I’ll Never Need and Ridiculous Empire. Further information is available on his website: John is a frequent music reviewer for No Depression. He founded and continues to edit The Pedestal Magazine.
Arlene Ang

Michael Spring
Susan Terris
Bruce Boston
Marge Simon
Marge Simon edits a column for the HWA Newsletter, “Blood & Spades: Poets of the Dark Side,” and serves as Chair of the Board of Trustees. She won the Strange Horizons Readers’ Choice Award in 2010, the SFPA’s Dwarf Stars Award in 2012, and the Elgin Award for best poetry collection in 2015. She has won three Bram Stoker Awards, two Rhysling Awards, and the Grand Master Award from the SF Poetry Association. In addition, she has published two prose collections: Christina's World and Like Birds in the Rain. For additional information, visit or Facebook: Marge Ballif Boston.
Cindy Hochman
Cindy Hochman is the president of “100 Proof” Copyediting Services and the editor-in-chief of the online journal First Literary Review-East. Recent poems are published (or forthcoming) in the New York Quarterly, CLWN WR, Arsenic Lobster, Lips, Pirene’s Fountain, Monkey Bicycle, Levure litérraire, Clockwise Cat, Glimpse (Canada), Unlikely Stories, San Pedro River Review, and Kiyi (Turkey). Her 2011 chapbook, The Carcinogenic Bride, has been recommended on Winning Writers. Her latest chapbook is Habeas Corpus, from Glass Lyre Press.
Ann Wehrman
Ann Wehrman’s poetry, short fiction, literary analysis, and creative non-fiction have appeared in various publications including Poetry Now, Convergence, Blue Heron Review, Tule Review, Medusa’s Kitchen, WTF, The Ophidian, Rattlesnake Review, Calaveras Station Literary Journal, Cosumnes River Journal, and Sacramento News & Review. Her 2007 broadside, Notes from the Ivory Tower, and her 2011 self-illustrated chapbook, Inside (love poems), are available from Rattlesnake Press. She teaches English composition online, plays classical flute, and both practices and teaches yoga. She currently lives in Sacramento, CA.