Subject : Jackin' with Jack (verse 5 of 10) Author : joveac Date : 7/3/2002 10:07:45 AM
Hard driver, street survivor,
nano's did their bit.
Starin' slack-jaw at the screen,
burnt out vidiot.

Street drugs house nano-bugs,
In the matrix mix.
Makin' em whole through mind control,
brain sculpting's the fix.

Sweep the street of spoiled meat.
Puts the bite on plastivite.
What a waste, degrades the taste,
and the visuals aren't right.

Guess who's back, ridin' the jack.
Puttin the hack on a plastivite stack.
Hacked my files for a laugh,
these words will be my epitaph.

Subject clone, meatal, bone.
Banished to the Phantom Zone.
Viral hacker, Cosmic Knight,
sent for jackin' plastivite.

Cyber-court a public sport.
Enter guilty please.
Nano-narc did then embark,
the ship-ment to deceive.

Intell-e-buzzed, electric fuzz,
sittin' on the wall.
Tellevised through sterile-eyes,
compounding my downfall.

Micro-mini got the skinny,
dropped the bomb no plea.
Intell-agents Nano-narcs,
know this one's on me.

The spies are gettin' small Soll.
Live inside us all Paul.
Ears walkin' , eyes gawkin' ,
heads talkin' ,

Jackin' with jack.

to be continued

by jove

Joveac (The Time Traveler)