Subject : SUNDAY @ 4.00 pm EDT - Geri Author : FLASH WRITEDate : 6/8/2002 10:16:39 PM
Geri will be the Flash Master for tomorrow's session. She will post the topic at 4:00 EDT. That's the same time New York and Toronto are on.

You will have an hour to write. Then you will post your work to the topic thread and later on you will vote.

I will leave the time up to Geri - if she wants to keep the voting thread open till midnight, that's fine.

I may or may not be able to attend. I'm sure that you will be able to function without me on this - ha ha.

Please leave your name in this thread if you are participating. If you have any problems with knowing what time it will be for you, let me know and I will see if I can figure it out.

Carly -
Subject : SUNDAY @ 4.00 pm EDT - Geri Author : CarlyDate : 6/9/2002 2:37:10 PM
I definitely have to be out - I'm leaving at 3:00 and won't be back till about eight.

Geri, if you'd like to allow votes till ten, so I can contribute a vote at least, that's ok. If you, however, would rather cut it off before then, feel free to do so.

Folks, please put your name in here - let us know if you are going to be participating.

Good luck with this one everyone.

Carly :-0