Subject : Hard Pennance...comments Author : GregDate : 4/6/2002 2:39:01 PM
Hard Penance

“I’ve never learned the knack of disappearing or disintegrating. I’ve got to be somewhere on this planet. My body is made of materials. I can’t just disappear.”
— Sam “Cap” Davis, Homeless Spirit

Homeless, toothless,
They sleep in the oddest places,
Grimy faces curled in pathetic fetal balls.
As public ghost they lumber,
Limping bruised in heart and purpose,
Turning a cold shoulder on a colder world.

We choose to ignore their thorny crowns,
Their heavy crosses, their garbage beds.
Since we do not beleive in ghosts,
Its easy to look pass them
As we walk through them,
With just the slightest wince of acknowledgment.

Familiar stenches mix with
Our own similar reeks of wasted dreams,
And in a blink’s reign
They are almost as real as our simmering guilt.
Their emptied eyes approach,
Exhausted from a long fall to a hard penance.

The hands of a thousand wounded saints reach out,
Cracked and bleeding,
Pleading for salvation,
Though simple recognition would do.
Instead we choose to look down,
Pretending to study the dirty sidewalk.

Smudged and smeared it is an uncomfortable reflection,
But this too shall pass, like stories on the street.
With each hurried step forward,
We continue in the shark’s endless glide,
We continue in our own laborious ruts,
Our own hard penance…

Hoping, desperately hoping
For someone else to become the reluctant Simon.
Subject : Hard Pennance...comments Author : Carly Date : 4/6/2002 8:55:26 PM
Homeless, toothless,
They sleep in the oddest places,
Grimy faces curled in pathetic fetal balls.
As public ghost they lumber,
Limping bruised in heart and purpose,
Turning a cold shoulder on a colder world.

I DON'T REALLY UNDERSTAND faces curled in balls.

I DO like 'public ghost'.

We choose to ignore their thorny crowns,
Their heavy crosses, their garbage beds.
Since we do not beleive in ghosts,
Its easy to look pass them
As we walk through them,
With just the slightest wince of acknowledgment.


The hands of a thousand wounded saints reach out,
Cracked and bleeding,
Pleading for salvation,
Though simple recognition would do.
Instead we choose to look down,
Pretending to study the dirty sidewalk.

SAINTS REACH OUT, cracked and bleeding
Pleading for salvation
Hoping, desperately hoping
For someone else to become
the reluctant Simon.


Good effort on this. Just a few tucks, I'd say.

Subject : Hard Pennance...comments Author : Lorraine StarkDate : 4/7/2002 1:21:17 PM
I was very moved by the emotions conveyed in your poem and especially by the two lines, Its easy to look pass them, As we walk through them. I believe you captured the fears internalized by people who are not living in these circumstances each day. Very thought provoking. Lorraine.
Subject : Hard Pennance...comments Author : Kurt Date : 4/10/2002 9:00:54 AM
There but for the grace of god walk I.... don't change anything
Subject : Hard Pennance...comments Author : Carly Date : 4/11/2002 1:09:04 AM
Hi Kurt - nice to meet you.

Y'know, we can imagine what it's like to be homeless. It's not really hard to imagine it. You just figure on losing your job - the unemployment money runs out - your savings dwindle - welfare doesn't want to cover you for some reason - next thing you know you can't pay your rent.

You have no place to hang your hat, so you can't really look for a job.

You become transient. You cannot live in public hostels - too much harassment and it's dangerous.

Next thing you know, you're curled up in a doorway.

Once you're down - it's hard to get back up.

Even those who actually 'put themselves there' - drinking, drugging, etc. They do have their 'moments' when they'd really like to find a home.

Subject : Hard Pennance...comments Author : Kurt Date : 4/11/2002 7:37:02 PM
The spectre of "hard pennance" haunts most people. At least I had a
family to help me through.
Keep your eyes and mind open. This is a growth industry your observing. Watch for the people you once new.
...........catcha lata
Subject : Hard Pennance...comments Author : Carly Date : 4/13/2002 9:15:50 PM
I know it, Kurt - I've been there (in my younger days). Know what it's like to check into the hostel, the food bank - been there, done that, and no t-shirt.