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Books by Ruth Daigon

For your convenience, we've compiled a list of recommended books by our published writers. To order a book, click on the book's title, then add it to your shopping basket. Orders are filled and shipped by Amazon.com, so you can be assured of reliable service, great prices, and secure online ordering. Check back often to see what new books are being added to our bookstore. Most books are sold at 20% to 30% off the listed suggested retail price.

The Moon Inside

Paperback - 84 pages
(December 1999), Newton’s Baby
The fifth book of poems from award-winning poet Ruth Daigon, The Moon Inside is a work of maturity and strength.
Poets on : Regrets, No. 2

Volume 008 (June 1984)


Nikki Giovanni
Kathleen Ward
Interview with Nikki Giovanni
Eric Bliman - Another Reason I Won't
James Owens - The Way Things End
Janet Buck - The Sketch
matt robinson - beer & the lazarus eye
Radu Andriescu - Tudor (translated from the Romanian by Adam J. Sorkin and Radu Andriescu)
Rayn Roberts - Letter to a Longtime Companion
Robert Lietz - Keeping Touch #3
Rochelle Mass - Baptism Doesn't Happen When You're Afraid
Ruth Daigon - Ghost Music
Sharon Shahan - In Some Countries It Is Illegal to Call This A Dream
Suzanne Burns - Hysteria
Ward Kelley - Clear Knowledge
Arthur Nersesian - Excerpt from Suicide Casanova
Michael Gary Naber - The Report Card



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