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Books by Gary Soto

For your convenience, we've compiled a list of recommended books by our published writers. To order a book, click on the book's title, then add it to your shopping basket. Orders are filled and shipped by Amazon.com, so you can be assured of reliable service, great prices, and secure online ordering. Check back often to see what new books are being added to our bookstore. Most books are sold at 20% to 30% off the listed suggested retail price.

Snapshots from the Wedding

Paperback - 32 pages
(December 1998), Paper Star
Maya attends a family wedding and captures it all on film, from her cousin getting rice in his eye to the cake that tasted as delicious as it looked, in a beautifully illustrated tale of a special family day.
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Buried Onions

Paperback - 160 pages
(April 1999), HarperTrophy
When 19-year-old Eddie drops out of college, he struggles to find a place forhimself as a Mexican American living in a violence-infested barrio in Fresno.
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Chato's Kitchen

Paperback - 32 pages
(September 1997), Paper Star
Chato is so happy to see that a family of mice has moved into the area, he decides to invite them over for dinner, but the mice know he has something else in mind and so bring one additional guest along.
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Mass Market Paperback
(June 1996), Point Publishers
Coming of age in the shadow of the Vietnam War, Jesse, a young Mexican American, and his older brother, Abel, work long hours in the fields in order to save money for college in the hope that education will help them escape poverty.
Taking Sides

(October 1992), Harcourt Publishers
Fourteen-year-old Lincoln Mendoza, an aspiring basketball player, must come to terms with his divided loyalties when he moves from the Hispanic inner city to a white suburban neighborhood.
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Bruce Boston
Mike Bohatch, Laurie A. Carlson, April Lee, and Slawek Wojtowicz
Interview with Bruce Boston
Interview with Octavia Butler
Interview with Tantra Bensko
Adam Clay - Mind of Heaven
Bill Yake - Deadhorse Flats
Erin Elizabeth - Crossing the Susquehanna
Eva Yaa Asantewaa - every body dreams every night
Janet Buck - Thanatopsis
Linda Alexander - After War, We Retreat to Shore
Lucy A.E. Ward - Bodies at Hotel Sitsobek
Marian Kaplun Shapiro - In The Season of Miracles
Martina Newberry - Dead Poet's Memorial
Nanette Rayman - How She Died
Suzanne Burns - A Jury Member Dreams of Taking the Manson Girls to Cocoanut Grove
Jennifer Barlow - Pygmalion's Daughter
Joseph Green - New World in the Morning
Christine Hale - The Bird, the Turnip, and Me



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