October 22, 2001: Worldwide Collective of Responses and Reactions to the Events of September 11, 2001

Charlotte, NC - The Pedestal Magazine.com launched its sixth bimonthly issue on October 21, 2001. In this issue the magazine is deviating from its standard format of presenting a "featured writer" and a "featured artist."  In its place are poems, stories, and essays by 100 writers, and 74 images from four visual artists, all focusing on the attacks that occurred on 9/11. The URL is: http://www.ThePedestalMagazine.com.

The contributors represented in this diverse collection of responses and reactions are from all over the world, including Africa, Asia, Canada, Europe, South America and The United States. These pieces express grief, outrage, fear, hope and cynicism. Some pieces tackle religious issues while others speak to political matters. Some present clear perspectives, while, in others, we witness an individual writer attempting to gain his or her bearings in a seemingly chaotic world.

Sara Schwittek, Lew Hirschberg, Jay Boucher and Sarawit Chutiwongpeti contributed powerful visual images of this tragedy through startling photographs and interpretive artwork.

"Putting together this issue of The Pedestal Magazine is one way in which I was able to ‘be with’ the reality of what happened," stated the magazine’s Editor, John Amen. "What has come together, in essence, is a kaleidoscope of diversity."

From Oct. 21 through Dec. 21, The Pedestal Magazine.com is encouraging visitors to post writings related to 9/11, or general discussion topics, in their Forum at: http://www.thepedestalmagazine.com/Forum/default.asp.

In addition to the "special feature" sections, The Pedestal Magazine is proud to present in its Poetry, Fiction, and Non-fiction sections work by Bruce Boston, Meredith Stricker, Tony Barnstone, Gil Allen, Kermit Seigle, and others. Also included is an interview of Stanley Kunitz, conducted by Wynn Yarborough.

The Pedestal Magazine.com is the vision of published writer and entrepreneur John Amen. Mr. Amen’s mission for the magazine is to publish a premier literary and art magazine, exclusively on-line, featuring new and established writers and visual artists. The magazine serves as a publishing outlet for writers as well as providing quality literature and art for its readers at no charge. The Pedestal Magazine’s latest feature was the opening of the online Art Gallery featuring original works by acclaimed artists.

The one-year anniversary issue of ThePedestalMagazine.com will arrive on-line December 21, 2001.



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